Pandemic oasis retains Green Flag Award

A Bexhill park has been awarded a prestigious national award for the ninth year in a row.

Egerton Park has been recognised as one of the country’s best green spaces as it retains its Green Flag Award for another year.

The park, which provided a much-needed green oasis for residents during the pandemic, is one of more than 2,000 parks, nature reserves and woodlands nationwide to receive the accolade.

Now in their 25th year, the Green Flag awards are handed out by the charity Keep Britain Tidy to parks and green spaces which are beautifully maintained to the highest standards and have excellent visitor facilities.

Cllr Hazel Timpe, portfolio holder for communities, culture and tourism at Rother District Council, said: “Over the last 18 months we have all come to appreciate our local green spaces a little more, and Egerton Park has been greatly valued by the people of Bexhill and the surrounding areas during the pandemic.

“This award celebrates the hard work and dedication that goes into maintaining the park to such an impressively high standard.

“This year we have been delighted to have had support from the Bexhill in Bloom volunteers who have complemented the magnificent work carried out by idverde, our grounds maintenance contractor. I would like to thank all the staff and volunteers for their continued hard work which has seen Egerton Park recognised for the ninth consecutive year – a fantastic achievement.”

First opened in the late 19th century, Egerton Park offers something for everyone including a children’s play zone, tennis courts, pleasure boating in the summer months, an AdiZone outdoor gym with climbing wall and ball games facilities, bowls green, sensory garden complete with beautiful timber sculptures, and a refreshment kiosk with an outdoor seating area.

Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making Egerton Park worthy of a Green Flag Award.

“To meet the requirements demanded by the scheme is testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who do so much to ensure that the park has high standards of horticulture, safety and environmental management and is a place that supports people to live healthy lives.”


Published: 25th October 2021

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