Halloween Safety Tips

It’s only in comparatively recent history that the occasion took the form we are largely familiar with today. Although it is unknown exactly where and when the phrase “trick or treat” begun, it became widely established in the 1950’s in America. Nowadays, the phrase has become a Halloween custom whereby children in costumes travel house to house asking for treats from households.

Halloween can be an exciting time of year for children, providing the opportunity to dress up, go out after dark and trick or treat. However, whilst it is meant to be a spooky night, there are some horrors that families will want to avoid. As such, we have a series of tips below to help you have a safe and enjoyable Halloween:

Be visible

Visibility when using the roads & paths is important all year round, however, Halloween festivities often include children wearing darker clothing, which may be less visible to other road users. Consider wearing colourful costumes, florescent glow sticks or reflective tape.

Treats not tricks

When collecting sweets and treats on your Halloween rounds, consider sticking to the factory-sealed variety. Unless you know the person you’re visiting, politely refusing homemade treats is preferable for personal safety.

Accompany Children when Trick or Treating

It is understood that often children will travel in groups when trick or treating; however, it is advisable to ensure that young children are always accompanied by an adult, especially when visiting unknown houses or areas.

Be Vigilant

Residents are encouraged to remain vigilant when opening the doors to strangers or unexpected callers. If participating in the festivities, you may feel necessary to decorate the front of your household using Halloween-themed items, or placing a “Trick or Treaters Welcome” sign on the front of your house.

If you are not participating, you can deter trick or treaters by displaying the “No trick or treaters” poster in a prominent location at the front of your house.

Fire Hazards

Jack-O-Lanterns and candles certainly contribute to the Halloween atmosphere, just remember that they still present a fire hazard under the wrong circumstances. Please be careful of trailing costumes around open flames; and to be extra safe, check to see if your costumes are fire resistant by checking the labelling.

For further information, including tips and tricks, please visit the following web addresses:

Published: 25th October 2024

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