Ask the Leader

Question 18/19

Q: Ref. question 03/19 Future High Streets Fund (FHF) posted in January. RDC posted an answer that an expression of interest in the fund had been made by RDC – my questions are 1. Should the Council be successful in obtaining…

A: Unfortunately we were not successful; and the Expression of Interest (EoI) did not specify projects as it did not require it.   Local Authorities were limited to one town per district and the Council’s EoI related to Bexhill as the district’s…

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Question 17/19

Q: Good morning. Now the alliance have been in place for a quarter I am interested to know which of the many policies all the independents, the greens, the Lib Dem’s, the labour and the independent, independent are going to be…

A: Thank you for your interest . As I am sure you will appreciate the first ‘100 days’ created a significant work load with so many new councillors. Additionally the formation of an Alliance Administration provided several new ways of working with…

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Question 16/19

Q: Many homeless people keep dogs for security as well as comfort. Currently only 9% of hostels for homeless people in the UK are dog-friendly, meaning that many dog owners are denied access to shelter and support, simply because they have…

A: Rother District Council will always provide kennelling for dogs when people are forced to use temporary accommodation. It is perhaps illustrative of the extent of the present crisis in housing that there is a significant scarcity of suitable temporary accommodation…

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Question 15/19

Q: As well as many others, there are public use “wheelie” disposal bins in the Bexhill Sainsburys car park and in the small public car park near Tesco’s, in Little Common. They are all overflowing. They clearly have not been emptied…

A: Thank you for concern which is shared by many residents including myself regarding slippage in the collection by the new contractor Biffa of the recycling sites. Officers are liaising with Biffa who in turn are reviewing the collection schedules to…

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Question 14/19

Q: We enjoyed the Bexhill 60’s day last weekend but who pays for the event? If RDC stump up most of it, how is it? (16/07/2019)

A: The 60’s event was supported with a grant from Rother District Council, however you would need to contact the event organisers for a full budget breakdown. (23/07/2019)

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Question 13/19

Q: As a resident of the Rother District increasingly concerned about the climate crisis we are facing and the way our household waste can be disposed of in a way that is best for the environment we live in, I would…

A: Please be assured that less than 5% of East Sussex domestic waste goes to landfill.   The Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) handles all materials that are presented by residents as residual waste (including food) and produces electricity.  As such, this…

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Question 12/19

Q: I am a resident of Bexhill (Glenleigh Park Road). I am absolutely horrified with the proposal to implement parking charges in Bexhill. Please do all that is within your powers of persuasion to stop it. Having grown up in St…

A: Thank you for sharing your views which I am aware others have also raised during the consultation process. Rother District Council currently provides off street parking throughout the district but we are not responsible for on street parking. Currently, Sussex…

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Question 11/19

Q: Can the council introduce a better way of reporting fly tipping? I think there should be a form or using an App like Country Eye or a Facebook page that can upload images of fly tipping. (15/05/2019)

A: We are in the final stages of testing a new reporting tool and online reporting will be available this summer. (15/05/2019)

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Question 10/19

Q: I would like to know if RDC have a management plan for the woodlands north of Preston Road, Sidley, called Levetts wood. If there is a plan I would like to read it. At the moment it seems rather overgrown…

A: The Council is aware of the current condition of the woodland which has open public access.  However, there is no formal management plan for these woodlands. There are two small bridges to assist with access in wet conditions but no other…

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Question 09/19

Q: I believe Rother Council have acquired properties in the Beeching Road area. Is it the policy of the Council to eventually develop that area as a retail park? (01/03/2019)

A: Thank you for your correspondence regarding the recent acquisitions of property at Beeching Road.  Beeching Road is a key employment zone in Bexhill and will continue to be a focus of the Rother District Council regeneration agenda.  There is no…

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