Ask the Leader

Question 10/20

Q: Whilst appreciating that much of the Councils focus at the moment will be on managing the crisis caused by this pandemic, it would be good to understand how the Council is also looking at this as an opportunity to harness…

A: Thank you for your comments. As a council we have recently put significant resources into managing the local impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic. But that does not mean we have stopped planning for the future, although how this future looks…

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Question 09/20

Q: Why has the council given up on Camber with regard to the car parking and toilet access. They are not even charging for using the New Lydd Road Carpark. People are going to the toilet outside and leaving the beach…

A: Thank you for your comments and we do sympathise and share your concerns. We wish people to be safe across the district, in Camber village and not forgetting our staff who are on the front line day after day. The…

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Question 08/20

Q: I understand there are problems with services from RDC during the current situation but are there any plans to cut the grass on Gibbet Marsh, Rye.? Other areas are being managed by RDC contractors but this area in Rye is…

A: Thank you for your enquiry about grass cutting at Gibbets Marsh in Rye.   Our grounds maintenance contractors have recently resumed grass cutting and essential turf maintenance tasks at a small number of sites in Bexhill and Rye where it…

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Question 07/20

Q: As a concerned council resident, I am urging you to introduce a voluntary ban on the release of sky lanterns.

A: Thank you for your question.  I would inform you that Rother District Council has recently decided not to allow the launching of sky lanterns or balloons at events on RDC owned land.

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Question 06/20

Q: I note that Gibbet Marsh car park in Rye is no longer charging casual users due the pandemic, does this apply to all car parks within RDC.What is the rationale for this action? As other car parks like Camber are…

A: Rother District Council took the decision to suspend pay and display in all our car parks for health and safety reasons – to avoid the need for visitors to use the key pads on the pay and display machines and…

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Question 05/20

Q: Due to current events the planning department has requested applicants to agree to a extension of 12 weeks to make a decision. I for one have agreed. This may well assist the planning office but on second thoughts if decisions…

A: The Planning Service is working with agents and stakeholders to maintain a limited service.  However,  it is inevitable that delays will take place.  The officer visits to site as part of the application assessment have now been suspended on Government…

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Question 04/20

Q: I would like to raise concerns regarding the proposed development behind Fryatts Way and Concorde Close. As a resident one of the main reasons for buying our house was it’s rural feel and the lovely views. I found an article…

A: I understand this is a consultation undertaken by the landowner – there is no planning application.  If an application is submitted it will be advertised in the usual way.  The site is not allocated in the current Development and Site…

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Question 03/20

Q: As the Government are stating that all new cars will have to be electrically powered in 15 years time, does the Council have a policy for (a) the introduction of charging points around the district? and (b) will the Council…

A: Thank you for your question.  I trust the following link helps satisfy your enquiry: The Council has recently set up a Climate Change Steering Group. A draft environment strategy has been produced by this Group, which sets out the Council’s recommendations…

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Question 02/20

Q: It has come to my attention that there have been several posts and comments on Facebook of late, (particularly on the Bexhill on Sea group, and the Bexhill on Sea Politics group) implying some sort of impropriety or rule breaking…

A: I can confirm that there are no formal investigations currently on going into the conduct of any Rother District Councillor. Complaints made to Rother District Council about the conduct of Rother District Councillors and Town and Parish Councillors across the…

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Question 01/20

Q: I am curious to know how a fine of £60 is justified for a parking overstay of 10 minutes. Clearly I was over my ticket time. But £60 for 10 minutes??? I was out with the Rye Runners, a group…

A: The Standard Charge to park in a Rother District Council car park was set at £80 by Councillors in 2005 and has remained static ever since. This charge is not levied if a motorist adheres to the regulations of the…

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