Ask the Leader

Question 20/20

Q: The car park at Wainwright Rd, is rarely used, is it possible to put signs up in Sea Rd and Bottom of London Rd with directions for visitors to Park. These are the main roads into Bexhill and visitors could…

A: On street Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) is being introduced by East Sussex County Council on 29th September 2020, and Rother District off street parking (i.e. car parks) management is being reviewed in line with this change. Once CPE is in…

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Question 19/20

Q: Does Rother have a community toilet scheme like Wealden District Council? If not, would you consider it? Burwash has no public toilet now as it is locked due to Covid-19, and Burwash is a hot tourist spot. A community toilet…

A: Rother does not have a toilet community scheme at present and would be interested to know how this operates and how successful it is.  We will visit the Wealden website to find out more details. (25/08/2020)

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Question 18/20

Q: Is it fair that whole swathes of grass verges on East Parade, Bexhill-On-Sea, are taken over by camper van users for their own private use i.e. awnings, gazebos, bbqs, dogs etc. Parking partially on the grass also. My disabled parents…

A: Thank you for your question.  The road parking is currently under the Police’s jurisdiction and will be moving to East Sussex County Council enforcement at the end of September. (25/08/2020)

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Question 17/20

Q: I would like to check that there is no tree preservation order on a very mature horse chestnut tree which is situated on the left hand corner of Saltcote Mews Drive, TN31 7NR. It is causing up-lift problems with the…

A: The ‘left hand corner’ depends on your orientation so it’s not clear where this horse chestnut tree is, but having looked at our mapping the only TPO trees in that area appear to be the lime trees along Saltcote Lane.…

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Question 16/20

Q: Domestic batteries for recycling have not been collected for some time in Catsfield. I spoke with the team this morning and they advise that the truck no longer has a cage for these items! The Rother website continues to promote…

A: Thank you for your feedback regarding the collection of domestic batteries for recycling. The response you received from the crew has been passed to the contractor for their information but the contractor confirms that batteries are still collected for recycling…

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Question 15/20

Q: We have all seen the enormous amount of rubbish left by tourist on Camber beach. This has been cleared by the council but can you tell me what happens to this rubbish? Does it go to land fill? (02/07/2020)

A: Thank you for your enquiry regarding the litter and rubbish left on Camber Beach and what happens to it, and indeed what happens to other rubbish we collect in Rother District that can’t be recycled. In the past, domestic waste…

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Question 14/20

Q: Log burners – what is the policy? A planning application is promoting log burners on a site of 30 properties. I thought log burners were thought to be unfriendly to environmental concerns. Is this so? (29/06/2020)

A: There is no planning policy per se against log burners.  Planning permission would only be needed if the flue was over a certain height. From an Environmental Health perspective there is no policy. If a wood burner is installed in…

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Question 13/20

Q: I see RDC has continued with its vile hatred for motor homes.  What the hell is the problem with this council? Give me one genuine reason why motor homes should be banned from so many car parks. We use them…

A: Rother District Council recently approved the introduction of the District of Rother (Off-street) Parking Places Order 2020, which comes into effect from July 1st. Under the new order, we have increased provision for motorhomes by allowing them to park in…

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Question 12/20

Q: Hello, there is a report in the Bexhill & Battle Observer of 12/6 that ESCC has submitted proposals to close Western Road. Has Rother had any input or sight of these plans and what is your opinion on them please?…

A: Thank you for your enquiry. I can advise that ESCC has been granted money by Government to assist with getting High Streets up and running safely. ESCC has contacted all the Districts and Boroughs in East Sussex and asked for…

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Question 11/20

Q: I realise that these have been difficult times not helped by the hot weather causing a barrage of people coming to Camber but the car park system is rather odd? You open the one right in the village (section of…

A: Thank you for your question.  I would inform you that we have now opened both car parks simultaneously and there is one machine or Ringo. (03/06/2020)

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