Ask the Leader

Question 16/21

Q: Why, when there are double yellow lines along the road, do no parking enforcement officers visit herbrand walk TN39 4TX and fine them? Usually at weekends, all day, causing mayhem and blocking the road and even worse, behind our beachhuts…

A: Thank you for your enquiry about parking on double yellow lines at Herbrand Walk. This falls under on-street parking restrictions which are enforced by East Sussex County Council. The parking team can be contacted via the following methods: email the: parking…

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Question 15/21

Q: I note there are comments about the reinstatement of the fountains adjacent to the Del La Warr Pavilion and understand the cost maybe around £300k? I also read that RDC cannot afford the repairs. Isn’t it time that RDC considered…

A: As a designated ancient monument the Council will continue to maintain and repair the Landgate in Rye, in line with its obligations. We are working with the Town Council and other local partners to determine future options for the Landgate…

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Question 14/21

Q: Four years ago councils were given stronger powers to fine rogue landlords who do not keep their properties in fit condition for tenants to live in. Please can you confirm how many civil penalty notices RDC have issued for these…

A: We investigate all complaints received from tenants and will take legal action, in accordance with our private sector housing enforcement policy: One civil penalty has been issued. (05/07/2021)

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Question 13/21

Q: Good morning, I recently started a thread on (titled ‘Not a very merry go roundabout’) regarding Ravenside Roundabout. One contributor suggested I contact you to find out what the latest is regarding the regeneration of this rather tatty eyesore…

A: We appreciate that the Highways England (HE) roundabout at Ravenside is situated at an important gateway into Bexhill-on-Sea and that its unkempt appearance makes a poor first impression on visitors and has been a cause of resident dissatisfaction for many…

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Question 12/21

Q: As Leader of the Council are you aware of the problems within the Planning Department that are a cause for real concern?  I would appreciate a comment on what is being done to rectify the situation. (29/06/2021)

A: As you will appreciate this is not the service that my staff and I want to offer customers and members of the public, but there are a number of mitigating reasons why we have got to this point. Covid and…

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Question 11/21

Q: In a move towards more areas of meadows to attract bees and insects etc, isn’t time RDC thought about not cutting the grass in some parts of large carparks to encourage wild life? Gibbet Marsh overflow carpark in Rye has…

A: The issue you raise about declining bird and insect populations is a concern shared by the Council and in recent years we have changed the grass cutting regimes at a number of our public open spaces across the district in…

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Question 10/21

Q: Given the opportunity tourism offers Rother this summer, it is very disappointing that nothing has been done to repair the children’s water fountains beside The Colonnade, Bexhill. For the short period the actually worked, they were a huge success for…

A: We are disappointed that we are not able to offer this facility at present as it was a popular feature along Bexhill seafront.  After much investigation it has been difficult to ascertain exactly where the fault with the fountain arises.…

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Question 09/21

Q: I purchased an electric vehicle at Christmas and work for ESCC based at the Conquest. I have to rely on public charging due to living in a flat.  When will Bexhill fall in line with governments guidelines and actually install…

A: Rother District Council is investigating a range of options to provide electric vehicle charging points in council owned off-street car parks. The electric vehicle charging market is disparate at present, and there are more than 30 different charging networks across…

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Question 08/21

Q: Could you please explain why Rother have ceased to fund ESCC for extra grass cutting services in Bexhill. Is it a coincidence that the four extra cuts per annum stopped when the majority party changed within the district. Kindly also…

A: Thank you for your enquiry. It was agreed by Full Members in 2019 that as a part of the 2020/2021 revenue budget it was sadly no longer affordable to make a contribution to the County Council for the associated costs.…

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Question 07/21

Q: In Sidley woods at the bottom of the rec a few years ago a bridge was built by one of your employees. After me asking, the man who built it kindly put ramps either side which has enabled me to…

A: The wire mesh on the bridge had been damaged and become a trip hazard so it was removed. Idverde were unable to repair it at the time. The ramped ends of the bridge have now been damaged which we were…

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