Ask the Leader

Question 01/22

Q: When Bexhill beach dog ban comes in on 1st May who’s responsible for enforcing it? There often seems to be dogs on the banned areas during the summer and I’ve never seen nor heard of anyone being asked to leave…

A: It is the Coastal Operations Officers responsibility, along with the Beach Patrol Team, to speak with dog walkers on the beach when they see the rules being flouted. This they do on a regular basis during the season but it…

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Question 25/21

Q: I understand that RDC is evicting Rye Hire from Cyprus Place, Rye in order to build 10 dwellings with only 40% of them to be ‘affordable’ housing. I’m against this project and plan as Rye DIY has nowhere else to…

A: We have had on-going discussions with Rye Hire for some time and fully understand why the business is important to Rye. As a result, we have recently been working closely with Rye Hire and our architects to look at whether…

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Question 24/21

Q: I am writing to urge you to please help protect the rights of those living within your area by supporting the continuation of a lawful activity which sometimes takes place on council owned land. With an extraordinary lack of objectivity…

A: Trail hunting does not occur on any land owned or managed by the authority, therefore the Council does not have a policy on this matter. (10/12/2021)

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Question 23/21

Q: I have queried that a Planning Notice has been placed down a Private Lane (where only residents are allowed to go) and not where the notices are usually placed on the main Hastings Road so that it is viewable to…

A: In general, the purpose of a site notice is to alert local people who may be affected by a proposal. Two site notices have correctly been displayed, one at the site and one at the junction with Hastings Road.  As…

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Question 22/21

Q: The B2089 has just had it verges cut, sadly its seems to be beyond the wit of the landscape contractor and the council to ensure a litter pick beforehand. Result in the same week as COP is sliced cans, plastic…

A: Thank you for your enquiry and we do agree with your comments that ideally we would wish to litter pick all the verges on a regular basis to improve the appearance of the district and our environment. We endeavour to…

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Question 21/21

Q: Dear Leader, the portable toilets at Winchelsea Beach have been removed and the toilet block is shut and in need of repair. What plans are there to provide lavatory facilities for visitors to Winchelsea Beach? Thank you. (09/11/2021)

A: It has been necessary to close the toilets at Winchelsea Beach as the building structure is in need of extensive repairs which are felt not to be cost effective.  In order to continue some visitor provision, Portaloos were installed during…

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Question 20/21

Q: I’m writing to ask you to make the council’s climate action plan as robust as possible. I’m deeply concerned about the extreme weather we’ve experienced this summer. The UK is now getting hit by floods and heatwaves, sometimes within days…

A: Thank you for your letter requesting the Council make the Council Climate Action plan as robust as possible. The Council is equally concerned about the changes experienced in weather patterns, across both the UK and globally. This is why the…

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Question 19/21

Q: The public toilets at Winchelsea Beach and Winchelsea Town are locked causing discomfort and embarrassment for those in need. This policy particularly discriminates against women, the elderly and people with disabilities. I ask that these vital facilities are reopened. Thank…

A: The toilets at Winchelsea and Winchelsea Beach have had to be closed for significant repairs. Porta loos have been installed behind the existing toilet block at Winchelsea Beach. We aren’t aware of any problems with the porta loos but a…

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Question 18/21

Q: Dear Leader, please let us know the position of Rother Council regarding Afghan refugees coming to the UK. The people of our area will I’m sure, welcome the refugees and will be happy to donate what they need. (25/08/2021)

A: We already have experience in this kind of initiative from the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme and UK Resettlement Scheme that we continue to run successfully. Afghan Relocation Assistance Policy We are playing a full role in this policy. The…

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Question 17/21

Q: As Biffa have been fined for lying about what waste they send to other countries, and not for the first time, when will their contract be cancelled? As they were similarly fined previously why were they awarded the contract for…

A: Biffa has recently made Rother aware of a court case which has begun between the Environment Agency and Biffa plc concerning wastepaper exports for recycling, which Biffa are strongly contesting. We would also make clear that Biffa are not responsible…

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