Ask the Leader

Question 04/23

Q: Does the cabinet believe that we have a crisis in the way the highways network, verges, open spaces and trunk roads are managed across East Sussex. I understand that responsibility is split across multiple agencies, teams, districts and county and…

A: You are quite correct that responsibility for the issues you raise falls under different organisations, National Highways for trunk roads, East Sussex County Council for all other roads and verges along with Rother District Council (and in some cases Town…

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Question 03/23

Q: Hello Doug, We do hope you can help or pass to the relevant departments, as it appears everyone else is ignoring us. We live in Fryatts Way (TN39 4LW). There is a development happening across the road from us by…

A: This site was issued planning permission (RR/2020/565/P) on the 6th April 2022, with conditions imposed. The complaints received relate to the condition of the road left with mud on them in breach of Condition 5(g). A planning enforcement case was…

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Question 02/23

Q: What is Rother’s timetable for completing each stage of the new local plan. (27/01/2023)

A: The latest position on our emerging Local Plan is set out here – Local Plan Review – Rother District Council. We expect to undertake consultation (Regulation 18) this summer. We have not updated the timetable for the next stages of…

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Question 01/23

Q: Hello Mr Oliver, in view of RDC declaring a Climate Emergency, and having the highest CO2 emissions in East Sussex. Could you please explain the Councils position on the following questions please? With 38,800 households in RDC and a Government…

A: The Council is committed to climate action but has no funding mechanism for this proposal. The Council is working on measures to support residents who cannot afford to make material changes to their homes. These residents will then benefit from…

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Question 07/22

Q: I’m writing to ask if your council has declared a climate emergency? And if so, would the council be willing to adopt a ‘Low Carbon Advertising and Sponsorship Policy’ to meet this aim? Advertising fuels the climate crisis by creating…

A: We encourage suggestions to make our practices more environmentally friendly and welcome the enquiry. RDC does not, however, currently control any advertising sites in the district but should we acquire any in the future, advertising policy will support our wider…

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Question 06/22

Q: Is there chance that refuse collection operatives could stop leaving the bins blocking the pavement? I have contacted Customer Services several times about the issue but no change. It can’t be hard to put the bins back in the original…

A: This will be raised with Biffa as a general issue but it would be really helpful if you could take photos showing container presentation point and then container return point, date and type of collection i.e. refuse or recycling garden…

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Question 05/22

Q: When will the district and county council be taking legal action against the water companies such as Southern Water who have a total disregard for the environment, coastal sewage spills and leaks. They are polluting our water, undermining the local…

A: The Rother CEO and myself met with local MP’s and Southern Water following the recent sewage release into the seas at Bexhill and will be progressing this matter at a high level to seek improvement to bathing water quality and…

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Question 04/22

Q: I understand that households are or will receive a £150 energy rebate, via their council tax bill. Who is or will be eligible? How will it be paid? (12/07/2022)

A: Full details on the Council Tax Energy Rebate scheme can be found on our website at £150 Council Tax Energy Rebate – Rother District Council. (12/07/2022)

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Question 03/22

Q: On 6 Jun, you took my £100 in payment for my garden waste removal. On 30 Jun, I received an e/m thanking me for renewing the subscription. It stated the ‘No permit, no collection’ policy and if these stickers are…

A: Due to a small system error we had to delay taking garden waste payments this year which unfortunately meant a delay to the sending of permit stickers. As you are aware the stickers have now been dispatched and should be…

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Question 02/22

Q: I have received a letter dated 22 April “accusing” me of non payment of council tax and threatening subsequent legal proceedings. If one of your team should check my account, they will find that on 8 April (two weeks before…

A: Unfortunately there was an issue with the Council’s Finance system resulting in payments made by residents on the 8th and 9th of April not being credited to the relevant residents Council Tax account.  As a result some residents received a…

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