Ask the Leader

Question 09/18

Q: I am a Bexhill resident, a responsible dog owner and a grandfather, who enjoys OUR public park (Egerton Park) all year round. I noticed this morning the personal training season began as the exercise machine area was occupied by a…

A: A report was taken up to Scrutiny Committee to be considered, but officers were asked to do further work into the setting up of a registration scheme for these groups. (11/04/2018)

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Question 08/18

Q: The Council Tax bill shows a no less than 11.3% increase in the costs of Rye Town Council. Whereas apart from the police, the increase is 3% or less in line with inflation. Presumably this is approved by the ‘real’…

A: Rye Town Council is a separate legal body and has the right to set its own precept. It is not governed by the referendum requirements of other tiers of local government. The District Council’s role is to collect and pass…

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Question 07/18

Q: I was wondering why the verges of Sussex country roads are only ever cut back but *NEVER!* cleaned of the rubbish (and every county in my experience). So, so many of the A and B roads (not so much the…

A: Thank you for your comments regarding litter alongside roads in Rother with which I sympathise wholeheartedly.  Our contractors Kier are focused on clearing litter from roads as soon as possible, now that the winter season is coming to a close.…

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Question 06/18

Q: Why has £10,000 been allocated to celebrate Prince Harry’s wedding when many other things are much more important? Helping to house or give night shelter to the homeless I see sleeping out in freezing conditions, surely would be a benefit…

A: Thank you for your question regarding the allocation of funds to the celebration of the forthcoming royal wedding. The decision to allocate a part of our Community Grant Scheme to this fund was based on the community benefit derived from…

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Question 05/18

Q: Hello, I have just watched a news item on Meridian TV tonight, and am deeply upset as to why a legally parked camper is likely to be victimised by Either for parking overnight. I have lived in Bexhill for 30…

A: Thank you for your question regarding overnight sleeping in campervans and illegal parking in Bexhill. Firstly, the Council was consulting on making a Public Spaces Protection Order which included prohibiting sleeping in vehicles overnight. This would give the Council the…

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Question 04/18

Q: I was hoping that RDC were going to improve the recycling process in Rye. The Gibbet Marsh car park recycling centre is now overflowing with rubbish strewn across the car park. The clothes bank is falling apart and fly tipping…

A: We are aware that this site at Gibbets Marsh in Rye is not in good order. We are awaiting new lids to be fitted to the containers on site. These new lids will have proper slots which will not allow…

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Question 03/18

Q: I understood RDC had a group looking at the pros and cons of Civil Parking Enforcement. However, whoever in RDC briefed Transport Planning Associates in August 2017 appears to know the decision has already been made; the Camber Traffic and…

A: The Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s Task & Finish Group, who are looking at Civil Parking Enforcement, have yet to conclude their work and pass their findings to Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and thereafter Cabinet and Full Council.  Rother District Council is…

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Question 02/18

Q: I note that you chaired the Byelaws Working Group meeting 22 March 2010 when the minutes record: In the minutes of the Byelaws Working Group meeting 22 March 2010 it was recorded: “It was suggested that a feasibility study be…

A: Thank you for your question.  The suggested feasibility study was a recommendation from the Byelaws Working Group to the Council’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee which met on 7 June 2010 where it was simply just noted. Since then, due…

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Question 01/18

Q: With astonishment I read you have decided against 93% of Bexhill voters in the recent vote, denying the wishes of such a majority. In a less civilised country this would have resulted in rebellion. I will work hard to persuade…

A: Thank you for your comments. Firstly, I can advise that this was not a vote – this was a consultation exercise to which the Council received 9,032 valid responses from Bexhill residents.  This represents 25.8% of the electors (34,912) of…

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