Ask the Leader

Question 29/18

Q: I refer to planning application HS/TP/18/00678 which seeks to fell numerous trees and other works to the Beauport Park caravan site. As Rother DC holds the licence for this caravan park and also lists numerous trees on this site which…

A: This Council as neighbouring planning authority has recently been advised about this application by Hastings BC. Officers will now be considering our response to this application as it affects the District. (11/09/2018)

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Question 28/18

Q: Hastings Borough Council is currently posting a planning application HS/TP/18/00678 which relates to the Beauport Park caravan site. This application seeks to fell 71 trees and other major works to the trees on this site. Many residents are very concerned…

A: This Council as neighbouring planning authority has recently been advised about this application by Hastings BC. Officers will now be considering our response to this application as it affects the District. (11/09/2018)

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Question 27/18

Q: Hi. I’m looking at moving to Bexhill although I haven’t decided where yet. My question is I’m very lost as to where my dogs can and cannot go during the summer. You outline where they can’t go but, being new…

A: There is information on our website that states: Dogs are prohibited from 1 May to 30 September on Bexhill Beach from Brockley Road (Sovereign Light Cafe) to Sea Road (Sailing Club). Dogs must be kept on a lead on the promenade, westwards…

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Question 26/18

Q: I was looking at the Facebook page for RDC. Very upbeat about recycling and all the wonderful things about what the council is doing. I particularly like post on recycling those items like envelopes and cupboard things like tissue boxes.…

A: This site is as you have identified very well used. Rother have been looking for another site in Rye but space and access is limited within the town centre. A major issue for this particular site is that it is…

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Question 25/18

Q: Could you please advise when the car parking proposals (Overview & Scrutiny Committee Meeting 19/03/18) involving pay parking to west and east seafront zones, residents only restrictions, time limited parking etc will be open for public consultation? (02/08/2018)

A: Thank you for your question. The introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement within the Rother District area is a matter for East Sussex County Council. In June, East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet formally approved the adoption of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)…

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Question 24/18

Q: Read in Observer today that Collington Lodge were refused permission to convert to flats and stay living in their home. A couple of years ago the Arosa in Albert Road was allowed to close down with 10 rooms to be…

A: It has to be the case that each planning application is decided on its own merits having regard to the facts of the particular case and planning policies pertaining at the time. This application was carefully assessed by the planning…

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Question 23/18

Q: In the past few months, we have had frequent “missed bin collections”. But twice in five days (brown then black) is disgraceful and unacceptable. We, the council tax payers, are not receiving the service for which WE are paying via…

A: My understanding is that it is your garden waste collection which is frequently missed on the scheduled day. This summer due to very high volumes of garden waste being presented particularly in the Bexhill area the collection rounds have struggled…

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Question 22/18

Q: I regularly receive My Alerts which contains information about planning applications near me and pressing the View Application I am taken to the correct application. In the latest letter was the following:- RR/2018/1650/TN – submitted 19/06/2018; Ticehurst 33/11KV Substation, High…

A: TN’s only relate to telecommunication applications, which this is not. When this application was originally received by the planning department it was assigned a ‘TN’ suffix.   However on closer examination it was determined that as it related to electrical works,…

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Question 21/18

Q: Who do I ask about holding a car owners club meeting? (24/07/2018)

A: Anyone wishing to hold an event on Rother District Council land, should read the following information on our website: or contact Neighbourhood Services on 01424 787531. East Sussex County Council is responsible for on street parking and any queries about…

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Question 20/18


A: I am sorry to read that your bin collection has been missed and upon investigation it appears that this was due to lack of capacity on the collection vehicle meaning they would have had to return to the depot to…

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