Ask the Leader

Question 39/18

Q: Why does the Public Consultation on changes to Council Tax Reduction provide no financial data? Several questions have direct financial implications either affecting reduction in revenue or reduction in actual administrative costs. None are specified so making empirical judgement is…

A: The current Council Tax Reduction scheme is based on how housing benefit is administered and is very reactive to any change in a household’s circumstances. Entitlement to relief can alter even if the overall change to the person’s liability is…

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Question 38/18

Q: I would like to know why Rother is allowing the shelters on East Parade to fall into disrepair. They are beautiful and they are listed and enhance Bexhill. You see lots of visitors taking photos of them. (20/09/2018)

A: As part of the East Parade Improvement Programme the four, grade II listed shelters have been surveyed to understand the extent of repairs, restoration and conservation required. The council is currently seeking external funding support for their full restoration. Whilst…

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Question 37/18

Q: I like many other residents love the Bexhill seafront. However I wonder if anything can be done to stop it being a dog toilet. Many owners do pick up the poo but there is always the inevitable debris left behind.…

A: The Council has a Public Spaces Protection Order requiring people to clean up after their dogs and that dogs are kept on a lead on the promenade during the summer season. We have put up signage to this effect. If…

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Question 36/18

Q: Hi, as an event organizer, we would like to know if all the events in Bexhill could be shown on the Rother web site. A poster was done by RDC this year, it was put all round town and shown…

A: The Bexhill events have been promoted over the last couple of years specifically through support from the Bexhill Town Centre Steering Group, which has included both the production of events postcards, posters and also promotion at the London Train Stations.…

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Question 35/18

Q: Yet again the collection of our bin (brown) has defaulted. This is becoming a monthly occurrence of either the black, green or brown. What is particularly galling is that we pay you extra to have our brown bin/s emptied: so…

A: I am sorry to read that you have not received your garden waste collection. Contract compliance and performance is monitored daily by both Kier staff and Rother officers. Collection round data is examined morning and afternoon, when missed bins are…

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Question 34/18

Q: Two questions: when will the Colonnade restaurant be serving meals? What are you doing with the money from the sale of the beach huts? (11/09/2018)

A: The Colonnade is currently without a live gas supply whilst we await the installation of a meter by the utility company. This meaning that much of the installed catering equipment cannot yet be used. Whilst we press for the utility…

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Question 33/18

Q: How can it be that a small open space with lovely mature trees and plenty of wildlife can suddenly be destroyed in a day by a gang of workmen without any notice to either the nearby residents or even the…

A: The trees that have been removed are not protected and there is no breach of planning legislation.  There is now a planning application for residential development under reference RR/2018/2145/P; full details can be viewed on the Council website and comments…

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Question 32/18

Q: Can I ask what happens with the £300:000 made from the sale of the 30 beach huts at Glyn gap beach. Also is there going to be another 20 erected around the bottom of Galley Hill on the beach. (08/09/2018)

A: The revenue generated from the sale of beach huts is credited to the general fund to support the gap in funding the Council is trying to meet in order to safeguard the delivery of Council services for future years. We…

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Question 31/18

Q: Why did the council disregard the Vote of the people, when we voted for Bexhill’s own town council. (11/09/2018)

A: Rother District Council undertook an extensive Community Governance Review of Bexhill-on-Sea in 2017; all documentation and the final recommendation made by the Council can be found at the Community Governance Review page The final recommendation document provides a very good…

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Question 30/18

Q: Why can’t Bexhill have its own town council? (11/09/2018)

A: Rother District Council undertook an extensive Community Governance Review of Bexhill-on-Sea in 2017; all documentation and the final recommendation made by the Council can be found at the Community Governance Review page The final recommendation document provides a very good…

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