Ask the Leader

Question 49/18

Q: Who was responsible for the disaster that is the “Colonnade Restaurant” and where is the money coming from to pay for the losses? (15/12/2018)

A: A report went to Cabinet seeking approval to run in house with a view to selling on the lease.  A further report then went to Cabinet seeking to lease out the Colonnade.  There will be a further report to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny…

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Question 48/18

Q: I am wondering why, when parking charges were suspended on 8th December, the meters in Bexhill were all still taking money? Why were they not covered or turned off? Of three meters in the De La Warr car park, two…

A: Thank you for your query regarding the concessionary Christmas parking dates in the run up to Christmas. Every year, Rother District Council liaises with the Chamber of Commerce in Bexhill, Battle, and Rye, and allocates three days of their choosing…

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Question 47/18

Q: I have been asked by the Sidley & Albert Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) to contact you to register the Groups concerns over the seemingly lack of Medical Centre Facilities in any of the housing developments taking place within…

A: Thank you for your query. The Hastings and Rother Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which is a GP led membership organisation responsible for commissioning the majority of health services for local people, is consulted on all major planning applications (schemes of…

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Question 46/18

Q: Re. litter control – I met a friend in Wembley High St a few days ago, he was smoking and dropped the cigarette end onto the payment, he was stopped by a Brent Council official who had photographed the offence,…

A: Rother Officers do have the ability to issue fixed penalty notices for littering but our Officers are more likely to simply advise people not to litter. Unlike some Councils, who employ private enforcement companies, we do not target people who…

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Question 45/18

Q: I telephoned the council and chose the appropriate option. I wanted to speak to someone in planning. I could not get through to anyone at all. I was hanging on the line for at least 10 minutes but to no…

A: We are really sorry for the extended wait time you experienced whilst calling us.  Our average time to answer is usually between 2 to 3 minutes however there will be times where peaks in call volumes exceed the number of…

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Question 44/18

Q: Dear Cllr Maynard, as Leader of the council, why are you allowing the town to deteriorate so much? More and more litter is appearing on the streets, I still find dog excrement on many of the pavements and there are…

A: As an authority we do take problems of littering and dog fouling seriously and we respond to all reports received. If there are problems in particular roads please e-mail with the details and photos, if possible. We can then instruct our…

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Question 43/18

Q: As a result of the recent shocking footage of the cruelty to the reindeer at a Kent farm can I have an assurance that Bexhill council will not be permitting any use of these wild animals or any other wild…

A: We are not aware of any such events taking place in Bexhill and we would not normally permit people bring wild animals onto our land. From October, Rother District Council is responsible for licensing performing animals – we have not received…

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Question 42/18

Q: When London Road Bexhill is closed for two weeks from 31st of this month, will this affect bin collections? (23/10/2019)

A: In regards to the road works taking place in London Road, Bexhill the only section where collections will be affected is from St Georges Road junction down to the bend before the junction with Coombe Valley Way. This will only…

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Question 41/18

Q: Please can someone explain why the planned Bexhill fireworks and the Christmas lights are not going ahead. My family along with others enjoy the events. Surely the town benefits from having these family orientated events to encourage people to the…

A: A safety advisory group, SAG, which consists of the emergency services and is chaired by a Council Officer met on 4 October to consider an event safety plan (EMP) produced by Shining Lights Ltd. The group meets a few times…

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Question 40/18

Q: I understand from the organiser of ‘Shining Lights Bexhill’ that he has been informed the RDC will not be holding another SAG meeting in 2018. I am also told that a SAG meeting will be necessary for the ‘Switch On…

A: With reference to the Christmas Lights Switch On event. The Council has not yet received an event management plan for this event. When an application for a road closure is received with hopefully a EMP included, we will consult the…

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