Ask the Leader

Question 08/19

Q: Affordable housing delivery. Given that the most recent figures show that supply of affordable housing does not keep up with demand, what is the councils plans to increase affordable homes to encourage our young residents to stay in the area…

A: From a policy position we have the approved Core Strategy and RDC approved Development and Site Allocations Plan (now with the Planning Inspectorate) which identifies sites for housing and affordable housing up to 2028 – sites will come forward through…

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Question 07/19

Q: There are cyclists along the South Cliff promenade who say they are unaware that cycling is prohibited. The rules are written on the notices at the head of each twitten but not repeated on the promenade itself. There are constant…

A: Thank you for your enquiry regarding whether or not cycling is permitted along the splash deck / South Cliff area in Bexhill. This area is not classified as a public right of way and is not maintained in the same…

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Question 06/19

Q: Please could someone explain why it was that Bexhill had no Christmas lights in 2018 as I have heard many things but haven’t been able to get a definitive answer and also why it is being stated across social media…

A: In view of the disappointing outcome last Christmas the Council has asked its internal auditor to carry out an investigation to find out the reasons for the underperformance in 2018 and how the Council’s grant funding was spent.  Pending the…

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Question 05/19

Q: I wonder if you could confirm if this is true or not, it is from an online post by someone in Sidley: “As a ex dustman for 50 years I can honestly say that Rother and most of Britain’s councils…

A: I can confirm that the statement is not true. The waste materials collected from Rother households are rigorously recorded, and, as a local authority, Rother has a statutory obligation to submit tonnage figures for recording and monitoring via a web-based…

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Question 04/19

Q: Having been at this week’s Cabinet Meeting and having just read the report in The Observer I just wanted to ask if the public are given a different agenda? Agenda item 8.1 (Page ‘big number 9) Recommendation 11 on the…

A: Thank you for your question. I can advise that the Members were referring to the contents of the full report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) that has been published on the Council’s website and is also available to view…

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Question 03/19

Q: Has RDC applied for the Future High Street fund launched December 28th by the government. (13/01/2019)

A: The Council will be submitting an Expression of Interest under Stage 1 of the fund in time for the Government’s deadline of 22 March 2019. The Government has indicated that an announcement on applications shortlisted to progress to Stage 2…

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Question 02/19

Q: Why doesn’t the mechanical sweeper clean the traffic islands any more, also the gullies and pavements are never swept down Sea Road. (07/01/2019)

A: The high volume of traffic on many of our roads, coupled with necessary strict health and safety regulations, makes the cleansing of traffic islands and roundabouts difficult to complete within normal working hours. Our street cleansing contractor Kier is restricted…

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Question 01/19

Q: Please can you let me know the schedule for providing EV Charging points in public car parks in Bexhill? At the moment there are no charging points in the town at all! The Council needs to go green on this…

A: We are currently working with neighbouring authorities including Hastings, Eastbourne and Wealden to develop a co-ordinated approach to electric vehicle charging points including carrying out soft market testing with suppliers. We are also looking at options for drawing down funding…

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Question 51/18

Q: Why can’t the garden waste collections be added to the pamphlet for refuse and recycling collections? As we are paying extra for the garden waste service, wouldn’t it be a good idea to let people know when the collection day…

A: Thank you for your query regarding including garden waste collection dates in the pamphlet for refuse and recycling. We have looked into the feasibility of including this information previously but due to the complexity of adding the additional dates, which…

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Question 50/18

Q: Why have charges been introduced at the ‘tip’. Surely this will result in an increase in fly tipping? (15/12/2018)

A: Reductions in Government funding has meant East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has had to cut £17m from its budget this year, affecting council services throughout the county including the Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS). ESCC carried out a review of…

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